Sunday, 21 April 2013

D.I.Y. Duck

My cousin, Marissa (aged 5), came for a visit. It was unavoidable that we played with my stuffed duck, which she has cleverly named Other Little Fabian (alias Duckerella). We acted out that classic children's tale Duckerella, which is about a lovely duck who had been turned into a girl by some kind of evil-duck-hating-wizard and who wanted nothing more than to use the prince's secret laboratory at the ball to create a re-ducking potion. At some point during the process of feeding Duckerella numerous potions (Duckerella sadly kept changing him/herself into various animals, flowers, fruits, people, and at one point a toilet) I realised that Marissa obviously needed her own stuffed duck. It dawned on me that perhaps there are more children out there who are stuffed duck deficient, so I have now recorded my duck making process for other kindly cousins (or parents?) to copy. I am, however, doing it slowly, so today here are the white coloured bits:

 pictured here left to right: tail, right wing (above), left wing (below), head (top 3 pieces), body (bottom 3 pieces)
 pictured here: how to make sure s/he has those hilarious feather trousers (as every duck should)

also below are close-ups of the head so you can picture how the parts go together (the eye is embroidered, but very small buttons would do for the lazy). See how the strip is the top, bottom, front and back of the head and the ovals are the sides.

next time: sewing together and the yellow bits (beak and feet!)

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